Monday, October 12, 2009

Jay Proposes Marriage

Hello sweethearts-- I'd like to drag a spotlight onto the zine I'm selling through this site and at APE.

It's a little book of poems (5.5" x 4.25", eight poems, 16 pages) called Marry Me, written over the last fifteen months, including a translation of my ex-boyfriend, Rainer Maria Rilke, and the notorious "Crescent Moon," published in The Stranger's Seattle Poetry Chain.

If you're interested in Marry Me, I'll sell it to you for $4 postage included or for trade for YOUR zine/artwork/sheaf/leaf collection. Email us for my address.

Also: I co-edit the astounding literary magazine Thermos and keep a column on poetry and literature with the storied Kenyon Review, but I also keep a personal blog here. Dig me!


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